BioBricks | Software to simulate recombination to assess ancestry blocks |
FALCON | Phased Diploid Genome Assembly with PacBio sequencing reads |
GenomeScope | Estimate genomic properties from unassembled sequencing reads |
LRSim | Linked Read Simulator |
MuMmer SGE | Parallization script for MUMMer. |
NGM | Short read mapper especially suitable for high SNP rates |
NGM-LR | Fast and Accurate Mapping of Long Reads |
Paragraph | Genome graph based SV genotyping |
PhaseME | Phasing QC and utilization of linkage data |
Princess | Software for haplotype resolved detection of SNV, SV and methylation |
Read2Tree | Software for mapping reads directly onto orthology groups |
Sniffles | Detection of Structural Variations from Long Reads |
SURVIVOR | Detection and Analysis of Structural Variations |
SVCollector | Method to optimally select samples for validation and resequencing based on a multi sample VCF. |
SVHound | Statistical software to predict SV in a cohort that have not been found yet. |
Teaser | Fast personalized benchmarks and optimization for NGS read mapping |
Vulcan | Utilizing two scoring functions to improve long read mapping |