
Our research focuses on the detection and understanding of the mechanisms of origin of genomic Structural Variation (SV), to advance comparative genomics, biomedical research and ultimately, clinical care. SVs are an understudied form of genomic variation that includes deletions, duplications, insertions, inversions, and translocations. They represent an important class of variation, as in aggregate, they impact more of the human genome than does single nucleotide variation. The core strength of the Sedlazeck lab is to develop new methods and algorithms to obtain a deeper understanding of the underlying molecular biology. We are doing this with a focus on large scale genomics (hundreds of thousands of samples) and the application of novel technologies (e.g. long reads such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore). Utilizing this we uncovered novel complexity accross human evolution, diseases (e.g. neurological, mendelian, cardiovascular), cancer (e.g. breast or viral associated), but also non-human based. The latter either to improve our understanding of human variations (e.g. rhesus macaque) or to improve certain phenotypes (e.g. tomato, yeast)

Going forward, the Sedlazeck lab utilizes novel biotechnology and develops algorithms to improve our understand of human diseases with a special focus on adult diseases. To achieve this, we have experience in phasing, methylation calling and variant calling in complex regions of the human genome. We also leverage both mapping and assembly approaches to obtain a comprehensive insight at the sample at hand. In addition to comprehensive genomics, we apply these approaches at scale to improve heritability and association of certain diseases. This is only possible with a dedication of scalable algorithms, cloud infrastructure and the application of machine learning techniques together with high filtering and quality control standards. As such our lab contributes to Topmed, CCDG, ADSP and other consortia to push innovation across genomics and genetics to address questions of evolution, diseases and development.

Fritz J Sedlazeck

Associate Professor

Human Genome Sequencing Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US

Cell: (713) 798-4951
E-mail: Fritz.Sedlazeck <at> bcm.edu
Twitter: @sedlazeck
ORCID: 0000-0001-6040-2691
Publons: E-4548-2018

Research Interests

1. The impact of SVs on gene expression / phenotypes

We led studies to identify the role of SV across multiple organisms. For example in yeast, we showed the transient behavior of rapid appearing and disappearing SV along almost identical genomes, leading to gene expression changes. These transient SV occurred much faster than SNV and improved the heritability of certain traits. Over the last two years, the Sedlazeck lab played a key role in identifying the impact of SV in tomatoes. Here we identified SV impacting: fruit growth, number of fruits, weakening the stem of the fruit and other highly important traits to improve the harvest and fruit quality. In addition, CRISPR-Cas9 was used to induce these alleles in sister clades to observe the reassembling of these traits as predicted. More recently, the Sedlazeck lab co-led the detection of SV across 19,652 human genomes from mixed ethnicities together with 4,000 protein measurements across 4,000 individuals. Here we associated SV with direct or indirect impact on proteins important for cardiovascular diseases.

2. SV in human diseases and diagnostics

Structural variation play a central role in polymorphic variation, pathogenic conditions as well as cancer; yet the robust detection of these events in human diseases remains challenging. We led several analysis efforts to identify SV and their pathogenicity or importance across breast cancer, neurological diseases and mendelian diseases. Sedlazeck lab was key to two breast cancer studies where he identified SV surrounding the Her2 oncogene amplifications and innovated the comparison across different sequencing technologies. Here we and the team showed how SV are connected and lead to large copy number changes with underlying molecular structure, which lead to new key insights in Her2+ breast cancer. We further pursued a more cost efficient strategy with collaborators to use CRISPR-Cas9 to target genes in cancer samples to identify haplotype resolved SNV, SV and methylation. In Parkinson and MSA diseases, Sedlazeck lab co-developed a cost efficient and high accurate assay to target the gene GBA. The team is now able to sequence ~160 samples per day and haplotype resolve all the SNV and SV. This approach is now being adopted in multiple hospitals. Lastly in Mendelian diseases, we collaborated with the Dr. James Lupski’s lab to help identify and phase pathogenic CNV and de-novo variation to assess their impact. The Sedlazeck lab now leads analysis efforts over 11,000 long read genomes to obtain novel insights in multiple diseases.

3. The role of SVs in evolution, through studies in Comparative Genomics

We have led and been involved in collaborations to identify SV and their role over multiple model and non model organisms (fungi, plants and animals). As an example, we studied the transposon activity and impact in the Crow and Fish population and identified their role for diversity and evolution. Sedlazeck lab further identified an important duplication explaining the compensation of modern Tomatoes for a splicing deficiency due to other SV impacting MADS-box gene that initially lead to a harmful phenotype. Most recently, we were able to identify small SVs also in SARS-CoV-2 samples from the NYC and Houston metro area. These SV mainly targeted NSP11 and NSP12 with common SV co occurring in SPIKE and other important genes. To improve the quality of reference genomes and thus the detection of SV, we also contributed to the development of Falcon-Unzip and Shasta de-novo assembler that are one of the few assemblers to produce high quality haplotype resolved assemblies.

4. Development of novel methods for Structural Variant Detection

Structural Variation (SV) remain hard to identify, but play an essential role in evolution and disease. We have spearheaded the detection of SV and the utilization of long reads in genomics and transitioning into medical research. The Sedlazeck lab has developed highly cited innovative methods that enabled a more comprehensive analysis such as NGM and NGMLR for alignments of short and long reads to reference genomes. We are the lead developer of multiple methods including Sniffles, the state of the art long read based SV caller. Sniffles has been cited over 344 times in 2 years and significantly advances the field of SV detection and interpretation and is utilized in hundreds to thousands of projects. Sedlazeck lab further led the development of SV calling methods for short reads such as Parliament2 to enable accurate SV calling at scale. This is needed to obtain accurate allele frequencies and we have used it across 200,000 human genomes (Topmed, CCDG). The Sedlazeck lab led the development of methods to accurately genotype SV in a population and others to compare SV. These methods are paving the way to include SV in comparative and medical research.

5. Benchmarks and standards in Genomics

We contributed to detailed analysis of sequencing biases including technology specific consensus errors that can be mistaken as SNPs, sequencing errors and nucleotide biases (e.g. GC). Sedlazeck lab also played a key role in establishing genomic benchmarks sets for SNV and SV in GIAB (NIST) and SEQC2 (FDA). In addition, we developed methods to facilitate the comparison between NGS mapping methods to enable key insights in their individual advantages and disadvantages across multiple parameters for non-expert users. This reflects our detailed knowledge of biases across different sequencing technologies and their implications on variation calling and establishing high quality call sets. These call sets are key to enable new biology and medical findings to study mechanism and occurrences of complex variations.


BioBricks Software to simulate recombination to assess ancestry blocks
FALCON Phased Diploid Genome Assembly with PacBio sequencing reads
GenomeScopeEstimate genomic properties from unassembled sequencing reads
LRSim Linked Read Simulator
MuMmer SGE Parallization script for MUMMer.
NGMShort read mapper especially suitable for high SNP rates
NGM-LRFast and Accurate Mapping of Long Reads
Paragraph Genome graph based SV genotyping
PhaseME Phasing QC and utilization of linkage data
Princess Software for haplotype resolved detection of SNV, SV and methylation
Read2Tree Software for mapping reads directly onto orthology groups
SnifflesDetection of Structural Variations from Long Reads
SURVIVORDetection and Analysis of Structural Variations
SVCollector Method to optimally select samples for validation and resequencing based on a multi sample VCF.
SVHound Statistical software to predict SV in a cohort that have not been found yet.
TeaserFast personalized benchmarks and optimization for NGS read mapping
Vulcan Utilizing two scoring functions to improve long read mapping

Lab Members

headshot Fritz Sedlazeck, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Office: Alkek 1619
Phone: 713 798-4951
fritz.sedlazeck [at] bcm.edu
Home page
GitHub Twitter Google-Scholar Linkedin
headshot Medhat Mahmoud,

Office: Alkek 1619
Phone: 713 798-3525
medhat.mahmoud [at] bcm.edu
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headshot Daniel Paiva Agustinho, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
daniel.agustinho [at] bcm.edu
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headshot Sairam Behera, Ph.D.
Office: Alkek 1619
Phone: 713 798-4951
Sairam.Behera [at] bcm.edu
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headshot Luis Paulin, Ph.D.

luis.paulin [at] bcm.edu
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headshot Moritz Smolka, B.Sc.
Visiting Scientist

moritz.smolka [at] bcm.edu
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headshot Damaris Lattimer
Internship Student

damaris.lattimer [at] bcm.edu
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headshot Philippe Sanio, M.Sc.
Internship Student

philippe.sanio [at] bcm.edu
headshot Sina Majidian, Ph.D.
Visiting PostDoc
Office: Genopode, UNIL
Sina.Majidian [at] unil.ch
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headshot Michal Izydorczyk, PhD

michal.izydorczyk [at] bcm.edu
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headshot Xinchang Zheng, PhD

Xinchang.Zheng [at] bcm.edu
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headshot Farhang Jaryani, PhD

Farhang.Jarynai [at] bcm.edu

headshot Yilei Fu, PhD

Yilei.Fu [at] bcm.edu
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Profiling complex repeat expansions in RFC1 in Parkinson’s disease
P Alvarez Jerez, K Daida, A Miano-Burkhardt, H Iwaki, L Malik, G Cogan, ...
npj Parkinson's Disease 10 (1), 108 , 2024
De novo genome assembly for the coppery titi monkey ( Plecturocebus cupreus ) – an emerging non-human primate model for behavioral research
SP Pfeifer, A Baxter, LE Savidge, FJ Sedlazeck, KL Bales
Genome Biology and Evolution, evae108 , 2024
Unveiling microbial diversity: harnessing long-read sequencing technology
DP Agustinho, Y Fu, VK Menon, GA Metcalf, TJ Treangen, FJ Sedlazeck
Nature Methods, 1-13 , 2024
1 2024
Analysis and benchmarking of small and large genomic variants across tandem repeats
AC English, E Dolzhenko, H Ziaei Jam, SK McKenzie, ND Olson, ...
Nature Biotechnology, 1-12 , 2024
1 2024
Mind the gap: the relevance of the genome reference to resolve rare and pathogenic inversions
KB Saether, J Eisfeldt, J Bengtsson, MY Lun, CM Grochowski, ...
medRxiv , 2024
The benefit of a complete reference genome for cancer structural variant analysis
LF Paulin, J Fan, K O’Neill, E Pleasance, VL Porter, SJM Jones, ...
medRxiv , 2024
1 2024
Closing the gap: Solving complex medically relevant genes at scale
M Mahmoud, J Harting, H Corbitt, X Chen, SN Jhangiani, H Doddapaneni, ...
medRxiv , 2024
1 2024
Nanopore sequencing of 1000 Genomes Project samples to build a comprehensive catalog of human genetic variation
JA Gustafson, SB Gibson, N Damaraju, MPG Zalusky, K Hoekzema, ...
medRxiv , 2024
6 2024
Germline structural variation globally impacts the cancer transcriptome including disease-relevant genes
F Chen, Y Zhang, FJ Sedlazeck, CJ Creighton
Cell Reports Medicine , 2024
Utility of long-read sequencing for All of Us
M Mahmoud, Y Huang, K Garimella, PA Audano, W Wan, N Prasad, ...
Nature communications 15 (1), 837 , 2024
23 2024
Detection of mosaic and population-level structural variants with Sniffles2
M Smolka, LF Paulin, CM Grochowski, DW Horner, M Mahmoud, ...
Nature biotechnology, 1-10 , 2024
100 * 2024
Comprehensive and accurate genome analysis at scale using DRAGEN accelerated algorithms
S Behera, S Catreux, M Rossi, S Truong, Z Huang, M Ruehle, A Visvanath, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.01. 02.573821 , 2024
Characterization and visualization of tandem repeats at genome scale
E Dolzhenko, A English, H Dashnow, G De Sena Brandine, T Mokveld, ...
Nature Biotechnology, 1-9 , 2024
21 * 2024
Mind the gap: the relevance of the genome reference to resolve rare and pathogenic inversions
K Bilgrav Saethe, J Eisfeldt, J Bengtsson, MY Lun, CM Grochowski, ...
medRxiv, 2024.04. 22.24305780 , 2024
Long-read sequencing of 945 Han individuals identifies novel structural variants associated with phenotypic diversity and disease susceptibility
J Gong, H Sun, K Wang, Y Zhao, Y Huang, Q Chen, H Qiao, Y Gao, ...
medRxiv, 2024.03. 21.24304654 , 2024
The benefit of a complete reference genome for cancer structural variant analysis
F Sedlazeck, LF Paulin, K O Neill, J Fan, E Pleasance, SJM Jones, ...
medRxiv, 2024.03. 15.24304369 , 2024
Shining light on the dark genome: accurate quantification of tandem repeats for translational and basic research
E Dolzhenko, A English, H Dashnow, W Rowell, Z Kronenberg, ...
Long-read sequencing of an advanced cancer cohort resolves rearrangements, unravels haplotypes, and reveals methylation landscapes
K O'Neill, E Pleasance, J Fan, V Akbari, G Chang, K Dixon, V Csizmok, ...
medRxiv, 2024.02. 20.24302959 , 2024
2 2024
Inter and intra-host diversity of RSV in hematopoietic stem cell transplant adults with normal and delayed viral clearance
V Avadhanula, DP Agustinho, VK Menon, RF Chemaly, DP Shah, X Qin, ...
Virus Evolution 10 (1), vead086 , 2024
2 2024
Inference of phylogenetic trees directly from raw sequencing reads using Read2Tree
D Dylus, A Altenhoff, S Majidian, FJ Sedlazeck, C Dessimoz
Nature Biotechnology 42 (1), 139-147 , 2024
16 2024
Improved sequence mapping using a complete reference genome and lift-over
NC Chen, LF Paulin, FJ Sedlazeck, S Koren, AM Phillippy, B Langmead
Nature Methods 21 (1), 41-49 , 2024
10 2024
Association Analysis of Common Structural Variants in the Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project
S Lee, AC English, R Xia, GM Peloso, JC Bis, H Lin, SH Choi, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 19, e078821 , 2023
Small variant benchmark from a complete assembly of X and Y chromosomes
J Wagner, ND Olson, J McDaniel, L Harris, BJ Pinto, D Jaspez, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.10. 31.564997 , 2023
VariantSurvival: a tool to identify genotype–treatment response
T Krannich, MH Sarrias, H Ben Aribi, M Shokrof, A Iacoangeli, ...
Frontiers in Bioinformatics 3, 1277923 , 2023
Genomic variant benchmark: if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it
S Majidian, DP Agustinho, CS Chin, FJ Sedlazeck, M Mahmoud
Genome Biology 24 (1), 221 , 2023
9 2023
Scalable Nanopore sequencing of human genomes provides a comprehensive view of haplotype-resolved variation and methylation
M Kolmogorov, KJ Billingsley, M Mastoras, M Meredith, J Monlong, ...
Nature Methods 20 (10), 1483-1492 , 2023
33 2023
The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome
A Rhie, S Nurk, M Cechova, SJ Hoyt, DJ Taylor, N Altemose, PW Hook, ...
Nature 621 (7978), 344-354 , 2023
131 2023
Single-cell somatic copy number variants in brain using different amplification methods and reference genomes
E Kalef-Ezra, ZG Turan, D Perez-Rodriguez, I Bomann, S Behera, ...
bioRxiv , 2023
Beyond the exome: what’s next in diagnostic testing for Mendelian conditions
MH Wojcik, CM Reuter, S Marwaha, M Mahmoud, MH Duyzend, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 110 (8), 1229-1248 , 2023
32 2023
Multiscale analysis of pangenomes enables improved representation of genomic diversity for repetitive and clinically relevant genes
CS Chin, S Behera, A Khalak, FJ Sedlazeck, PH Sudmant, J Wagner, ...
Nature Methods 20 (8), 1213-1221 , 2023
14 2023
Variant calling and benchmarking in an era of complete human genome sequences
ND Olson, J Wagner, N Dwarshuis, KH Miga, FJ Sedlazeck, M Salit, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 24 (7), 464-483 , 2023
36 2023
Genome‐wide analysis of structural variants in Parkinson disease
KJ Billingsley, J Ding, PA Jerez, A Illarionova, K Levine, FP Grenn, ...
Annals of neurology 93 (5), 1012-1022 , 2023
13 2023
Identification of allele-specific KIV-2 repeats and impact on Lp (a) measurements for cardiovascular disease risk
S Behera, JR Belyeu, X Chen, LF Paulin, NQH Nguyen, E Newman, ...
bioRxiv , 2023
5 2023
Intratumoral heterogeneity and clonal evolution induced by HPV integration
K Akagi, DE Symer, M Mahmoud, B Jiang, S Goodwin, D Wangsa, Z Li, ...
Cancer discovery 13 (4), 910-927 , 2023
26 2023
The EN-TEx resource of multi-tissue personal epigenomes & variant-impact models
J Rozowsky, J Gao, B Borsari, YT Yang, T Galeev, G Gürsoy, CB Epstein, ...
Cell 186 (7), 1493-1511. e40 , 2023
20 2023
Impact and characterization of serial structural variations across humans and great apes
W Höps, T Rausch, P Ebert, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.03. 09.531868 , 2023
A biallelic frameshift indel in PPP1R35 as a cause of primary microcephaly
M Dawood, G Akay, T Mitani, D Marafi, JM Fatih, A Gezdirici, H Najmabadi, ...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 191 (3), 794-804 , 2023
FixItFelix: improving genomic analysis by fixing reference errors
S Behera, J LeFaive, P Orchard, M Mahmoud, LF Paulin, J Farek, ...
Genome biology 24 (1), 31 , 2023
10 * 2023
Structural variation across 138,134 samples in the TOPMed consortium
G Jun, AC English, GA Metcalf, J Yang, MJP Chaisson, N Pankratz, ...
bioRxiv , 2023
5 2023
StratoMod: Predicting sequencing and variant calling errors with interpretable machine learning
N Dwarshuis, P Tonner, ND Olson, FJ Sedlazeck, J Wagner, JM Zook
bioRxiv, 2023.01. 20.524401 , 2023
1 2023
SVhound: detection of regions that harbor yet undetected structural variation
LF Paulin, M Raveendran, RA Harris, J Rogers, A von Haeseler, ...
BMC bioinformatics 24 (1), 23 , 2023
The GIAB genomic stratifications resource for human reference genomes
N Dwarshuis, D Kalra, J McDaniel, P Sanio, P Alvarez Jerez, B Jadhav, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.10. 27.563846 , 2023
1 2023
Benchmarking of small and large variants across tandem repeats
A English, E Dolzhenko, H Ziaei-Jam, ND Olson, S Mckenzie, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.10. 29.564632 , 2023
10 2023
Break-induced replication underlies formation of inverted triplications and generates unexpected diversity in haplotype structures
CM Grochowski, JD Bengtsson, H Du, M Gandhi, MY Lun, MG Mehaffey, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.10. 02.560172 , 2023
1 2023
MethPhaser: methylation-based haplotype phasing of human genomes
Y Fu, S Aganezov, M Mahmoud, J Beaulaurier, S Juul, TJ Treangen, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.05. 12.540573 , 2023
1 2023
xAtlas: scalable small variant calling across heterogeneous next-generation sequencing experiments
J Farek, D Hughes, W Salerno, Y Zhu, A Pisupati, A Mansfield, ...
GigaScience 12, giac125 , 2023
31 2023
Truvari: refined structural variant comparison preserves allelic diversity
AC English, VK Menon, RA Gibbs, GA Metcalf, FJ Sedlazeck
Genome Biology 23 (1), 271 , 2022
73 2022
Whole genome sequencing identifies structural variants contributing to hematologic traits in the NHLBI TOPMed program
MM Wheeler, AM Stilp, S Rao, BV Halldórsson, D Beyter, J Wen, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 7592 , 2022
4 2022
Long read sequencing and expression studies of AHDC1 deletions in Xia‐Gibbs syndrome reveal a novel genetic regulatory mechanism
V Chander, M Mahmoud, J Hu, Z Dardas, CM Grochowski, M Dawood, ...
Human mutation 43 (12), 2033-2053 , 2022
6 2022
Assessing reproducibility of inherited variants detected with short-read whole genome sequencing
B Pan, L Ren, V Onuchic, M Guan, R Kusko, S Bruinsma, L Trigg, ...
Genome biology 23, 1-26 , 2022
25 2022
Frequent spontaneous structural rearrangements promote rapid genome diversification in a Brassica napus F1 generation
M Orantes-Bonilla, M Makhoul, HT Lee, HS Chawla, P Vollrath, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 1057953 , 2022
4 2022
The multiple de novo copy number variant (M dn CNV) phenomenon presents with peri-zygotic DNA mutational signatures and multilocus pathogenic variation
H Du, A Jolly, CM Grochowski, B Yuan, M Dawood, SN Jhangiani, H Li, ...
Genome Medicine 14 (1), 122 , 2022
7 2022
Multiple genome alignment in the telomere-to-telomere assembly era
B Kille, A Balaji, FJ Sedlazeck, M Nute, TJ Treangen
Genome Biology 23 (1), 182 , 2022
21 2022
Genome-wide analysis of structural variants in Parkinson’s disease using short-read sequencing data
KJ Billingsley, J Ding, PA Jerez, A Illarionova, FP Grenn, MB Makarious, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.08. 22.504867 , 2022
3 2022
Characterizing the genetic polymorphisms in 370 challenging medically relevant genes using long-read sequencing data from 41 human individuals among 19 global populations
Y Ji, J Gong, FJ Sedlazeck, S Fan
bioRxiv, 2022.08. 03.502734 , 2022
5 2022
Comprehensive short and long read sequencing analysis for the Gaucher and Parkinson’s disease-associated GBA gene
M Toffoli, X Chen, FJ Sedlazeck, CY Lee, S Mullin, A Higgins, S Koletsi, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 670 , 2022
17 2022
Accelerated identification of disease-causing variants with ultra-rapid nanopore genome sequencing
SD Goenka, JE Gorzynski, K Shafin, DG Fisk, T Pesout, TD Jensen, ...
Nature Biotechnology 40 (7), 1035-1041 , 2022
51 2022
Frequent spontaneous structural rearrangements promote transgenerational genome diversification in Brassica napus
M Orantes-Bonilla, M Makhoul, HT Lee, HS Chawla, P Vollrath, ...
Biorxiv, 2022.06. 27.497715 , 2022
2 2022
A pan-genome approach to decipher variants in the highly complex tandem repeat of LPA
CS Chin, S Behera, GA Metcalf, RA Gibbs, E Boerwinkle, FJ Sedlazeck
bioRxiv, 2022.06. 08.495395 , 2022
5 2022
TOP-LD: A tool to explore linkage disequilibrium with TOPMed whole-genome sequence data
L Huang, JD Rosen, Q Sun, J Chen, MM Wheeler, Y Zhou, YI Min, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 109 (6), 1175-1181 , 2022
33 2022
PrecisionFDA Truth Challenge V2: Calling variants from short and long reads in difficult-to-map regions
ND Olson, J Wagner, J McDaniel, SH Stephens, ST Westreich, ...
Cell genomics 2 (5) , 2022
118 2022
Benchmarking challenging small variants with linked and long reads
J Wagner, ND Olson, L Harris, Z Khan, J Farek, M Mahmoud, A Stankovic, ...
Cell Genomics 2 (5) , 2022
117 2022
Curated variation benchmarks for challenging medically relevant autosomal genes
J Wagner, ND Olson, L Harris, J McDaniel, H Cheng, A Fungtammasan, ...
Nature biotechnology 40 (5), 672-680 , 2022
128 2022
Searching thousands of genomes to classify somatic and novel structural variants using STIX
M Chowdhury, BS Pedersen, FJ Sedlazeck, AR Quinlan, RM Layer
Nature methods 19 (4), 445-448 , 2022
9 * 2022
Centers for Mendelian Genomics: A decade of facilitating gene discovery
SM Baxter, JE Posey, NJ Lake, N Sobreira, JX Chong, S Buyske, EE Blue, ...
Genetics in Medicine 24 (4), 784-797 , 2022
50 2022
Ultra-rapid nanopore whole genome genetic diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy in an adolescent with cardiogenic shock
JE Gorzynski, SD Goenka, K Shafin, TD Jensen, DG Fisk, ME Grove, ...
Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine 15 (2), e003591 , 2022
3 2022
A complete reference genome improves analysis of human genetic variation
S Aganezov, SM Yan, DC Soto, M Kirsche, S Zarate, P Avdeyev, ...
Science 376 (6588), eabl3533 , 2022
214 2022
The complete sequence of a human genome
S Nurk, S Koren, A Rhie, M Rautiainen, AV Bzikadze, A Mikheenko, ...
Science 376 (6588), 44-53 , 2022
1883 2022
Rescuing low frequency variants within intra-host viral populations directly from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data
Y Liu, J Kearney, M Mahmoud, B Kille, FJ Sedlazeck, TJ Treangen
Nature communications 13 (1), 1321 , 2022
22 2022
Towards accurate and reliable resolution of structural variants for clinical diagnosis
Z Liu, R Roberts, TR Mercer, J Xu, FJ Sedlazeck, W Tong
Genome biology 23 (1), 68 , 2022
46 2022
Ultrarapid nanopore genome sequencing in a critical care setting
JE Gorzynski, SD Goenka, K Shafin, TD Jensen, DG Fisk, ME Grove, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 386 (7), 700-702 , 2022
149 2022
Accurate Detection of Structural Variations at Population Scale
M Smolka, L Paulin, C Carvalho, C Proukakis, FJ Sedlazeck
Plant and Animal Genome XXIX Conference (January 8-12, 2022) , 2022
Read2Tree: scalable and accurate phylogenetic trees from raw reads (preprint)
D Dylus, AM Altenhoff, S Majidian, FJ Sedlazeck, C Dessimoz
The third international hackathon for applying insights into large-scale genomic composition to use cases in a wide range of organisms
K Walker, D Kalra, R Lowdon, G Chen, D Molik, DC Soto, F Dabbaghie, ...
F1000Research 11 , 2022
2 2022
Fully resolved assembly of Cryptosporidium parvum
VK Menon, PC Okhuysen, CL Chappell, M Mahmoud, M Mahmoud, ...
Gigascience 11, giac010 , 2022
6 2022
Construction of a new chromosome-scale, long-read reference genome assembly for the Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus
RA Harris, M Raveendran, DT Lyfoung, FJ Sedlazeck, M Mahmoud, ...
GigaScience 11, giac039 , 2022
4 2022
Accurate profiling of forensic autosomal STRs using the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION device
CL Hall, RK Kesharwani, NR Phillips, JV Planz, FJ Sedlazeck, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 56, 102629 , 2022
17 2022
Whole genome sequencing identifies common and rare structural variants contributing to hematologic traits in the NHLBI TOPMed program
MM Wheeler, AM Stilp, S Rao, BV Halldórsson, D Beyter, J Wen, ...
Medrxiv, 2021.12. 16.21267871 , 2021
4 2021
High resolution copy number inference in cancer using short-molecule nanopore sequencing
T Baslan, S Kovaka, FJ Sedlazeck, Y Zhang, R Wappel, S Tian, SW Lowe, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (21), e124-e124 , 2021
18 2021
Hidden biases in germline structural variant detection
MM Khayat, SME Sahraeian, S Zarate, A Carroll, H Hong, B Pan, L Shi, ...
Genome biology 22, 1-15 , 2021
20 2021
PRINCESS: comprehensive detection of haplotype resolved SNVs, SVs, and methylation
M Mahmoud, H Doddapaneni, W Timp, FJ Sedlazeck
Genome biology 22, 1-17 , 2021
28 2021
Comprehensive analysis of GBA using a novel algorithm for Illumina whole-genome sequence data or targeted Nanopore sequencing
M Toffoli, X Chen, FJ Sedlazeck, CY Lee, S Mullin, A Higgins, S Koletsi, ...
medRxiv, 2021.11. 12.21266253 , 2021
3 2021
Investigation of product-derived lymphoma following infusion of piggyBac -modified CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells
KP Micklethwaite, K Gowrishankar, BS Gloss, Z Li, JA Street, L Moezzi, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 138 (16), 1391-1405 , 2021
119 2021
Benzyl isothiocyanate induces cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration
A Sakaguchi, M Kawasaki, Y Saito, K Murata, H Masumoto, W Kimura
bioRxiv, 2021.09. 08.459197 , 2021
Performance assessment of DNA sequencing platforms in the ABRF Next-Generation Sequencing Study
J Foox, SW Tighe, CM Nicolet, JM Zook, M Byrska-Bishop, WE Clarke, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (9), 1129-1140 , 2021
85 2021
Vulcan: Improved long-read mapping and structural variant calling via dual-mode alignment
Y Fu, M Mahmoud, VV Muraliraman, FJ Sedlazeck, TJ Treangen
GigaScience 10 (9), giab063 , 2021
15 2021
Towards population-scale long-read sequencing
W De Coster, MH Weissensteiner, FJ Sedlazeck
Nature Reviews Genetics 22 (9), 572-587 , 2021
204 2021
Oligonucleotide capture sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and subgenomic fragments from COVID-19 individuals
H Doddapaneni, SJ Cregeen, R Sucgang, Q Meng, X Qin, V Avadhanula, ...
PLoS One 16 (8), e0244468 , 2021
32 2021
muCNV: genotyping structural variants for population-level sequencing
G Jun, F Sedlazeck, Q Zhu, A English, G Metcalf, HM Kang, ...
Bioinformatics 37 (14), 2055-2057 , 2021
7 2021
Intronic Haplotypes in the GBA Gene Do Not Predict Age at Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease
M Toffoli, A Higgins, C Lee, S Koletsi, X Chen, M Eberle, FJ Sedlazeck, ...
Movement Disorders 36 (6), 1456-1460 , 2021
6 2021
Discovery and population genomics of structural variation in a songbird genus (vol 11, 3403, 2020)
MH Weissensteiner, I Bunikis, A Catalan, KJ Francoijs, U Knief, W Heim, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1) , 2021
Optimized sample selection for cost-efficient long-read population sequencing
TR Ranallo-Benavidez, Z Lemmon, S Soyk, S Aganezov, WJ Salerno, ...
Genome research 31 (5), 910-918 , 2021
16 * 2021
Multi-tissue integrative analysis of personal epigenomes
J Rozowsky, J Drenkow, Y Yang, G Gursoy, T Galeev, B Borsari, ...
BioRxiv , 2021
7 2021
SVhound: Detection of future Structural Variation hotspots
LF Paulin, M Raveendran, RA Harris, J Rogers, A von Haeseler, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.04. 09.439237 , 2021
Long-read sequencing for diagnosis in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network
D Murdock, J Rosenfeld, F Xia, L Burrage, M Mahmoud, F Sedlazeck, ...
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 132, S253-S254 , 2021
SARS-CoV-2 genomic diversity and the implications for qRT-PCR diagnostics and transmission
N Sapoval, M Mahmoud, MD Jochum, Y Liu, RAL Elworth, Q Wang, ...
Genome research 31 (4), 635-644 , 2021
55 * 2021
Shotgun transcriptome, spatial omics, and isothermal profiling of SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals unique host responses, viral diversification, and drug interactions
D Butler, C Mozsary, C Meydan, J Foox, J Rosiene, A Shaiber, D Danko, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1660 , 2021
225 * 2021
Chromosome-scale, haplotype-resolved assembly of human genomes
S Garg, A Fungtammasan, A Carroll, M Chou, A Schmitt, X Zhou, S Mac, ...
Nature Biotechnology 39 (3), 309-312 , 2021
155 * 2021
An international virtual hackathon to build tools for the analysis of structural variants within species ranging from coronaviruses to vertebrates
AM Mc Cartney, M Mahmoud, M Jochum, DP Agustinho, B Zorman, ...
F1000Research 10 , 2021
5 2021
Construction of a new chromosome-scale, long-read reference genome assembly of the Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus (preprint)
RA Harris, M Raveendran, DT Lyfoung, FJ Sedlazeck, M Mahmoud, ...
Parliament2: Accurate structural variant calling at scale
S Zarate, A Carroll, M Mahmoud, O Krasheninina, G Jun, WJ Salerno, ...
GigaScience 9 (12), giaa145 , 2020
79 * 2020
Complex mosaic structural variations in human fetal brains
S Sekar, L Tomasini, C Proukakis, T Bae, L Manlove, Y Jang, S Scuderi, ...
Genome research 30 (12), 1695-1704 , 2020
26 2020
Simultaneous profiling of chromatin accessibility and methylation on human cell lines with nanopore sequencing
I Lee, R Razaghi, T Gilpatrick, M Molnar, A Gershman, N Sadowski, ...
Nature methods 17 (12), 1191-1199 , 2020
161 2020
A robust benchmark for detection of germline large deletions and insertions (Jun, 10.1038/s41587-020-0538-8, 2020)
JM Zook, NF Hansen, ND Olson, L Chapman, JC Mullikin, C Xiao, ...
NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 38 (11), 1357-1357 , 2020
A robust benchmark for detection of germline large deletions and insertions
JM Zook, NF Hansen, ND Olson, L Chapman, JC Mullikin, C Xiao, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (11), 1347-1355 , 2020
327 * 2020
Cas9 Enrichment for Nanopore Sequencing
T Gilpatrick, I Lee, JE Graham, E Raimondeau, R Bowen, A Heron, ...
A diploid assembly-based benchmark for variants in the major histocompatibility complex
CS Chin, J Wagner, Q Zeng, E Garrison, S Garg, A Fungtammasan, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4794 , 2020
60 2020
Methods developed during the first National Center for Biotechnology Information Structural Variation Codeathon at Baylor College of Medicine
M Mahmoud, AR Gener, MM Khayat, AC English, A Balaji, A Zhou, ...
F1000Research 9 (1141), 1141 , 2020
Nanopore sequencing and the Shasta toolkit enable efficient de novo assembly of eleven human genomes
K Shafin, T Pesout, R Lorig-Roach, M Haukness, HE Olsen, C Bosworth, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (9), 1044-1053 , 2020
428 * 2020
Comprehensive analysis of structural variants in breast cancer genomes using single-molecule sequencing
S Aganezov, S Goodwin, RM Sherman, FJ Sedlazeck, G Arun, S Bhatia, ...
Genome research 30 (9), 1258-1273 , 2020
92 2020
Major impacts of widespread structural variation on gene expression and crop improvement in tomato
M Alonge, X Wang, M Benoit, S Soyk, L Pereira, L Zhang, H Suresh, ...
Cell 182 (1), 145-161. e23 , 2020
531 2020
Discovery and population genomics of structural variation in a songbird genus
MH Weissensteiner, I Bunikis, A Catalán, KJ Francoijs, U Knief, W Heim, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3403 , 2020
113 2020
PhaseME: Automatic rapid assessment of phasing quality and phasing improvement
S Majidian, FJ Sedlazeck
GigaScience 9 (7), giaa078 , 2020
8 2020
Multiethnic catalog of structural variants and their translational impact for disease phenotypes across 19,652 genomes
FJ Sedlazeck, B Yu, AJ Mansfield, H Chen, O Krasheninina, A Tin, Q Qi, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.05. 02.074096 , 2020
6 2020
Targeted nanopore sequencing with Cas9-guided adapter ligation
T Gilpatrick, I Lee, JE Graham, E Raimondeau, R Bowen, A Heron, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (4), 433-438 , 2020
373 2020
Oligonucleotide capture sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and subgenomic fragments from COVID-19 individuals (preprint)
HV Doddapaneni, SJ Cregeen, R Sucgang, Q Meng, X Qing, ...
4 2020
Host, Viral, and Environmental Transcriptome Profiles of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)(preprint)
DJ Butler, C Mozsary, C Meydan, DC Danko, J Foox, J Rosiene, ...
Hidden genomic diversity of SARS-CoV-2: implications for qRT-PCR diagnostics and transmission (preprint)
N Sapoval, M Mahmoud, MD Jochum, Y Liu, RAL Elworth, Q Wang, ...
Taking the bait: A PCR-free enrichment strategy for nanopore sequencing applications
J Planz, F Sedlazeck, R Zascavage
Potential applications of nanopore sequencing for forensic analysis
CL Hall, RR Zascavage, FJ Sedlazeck, JV Planz
Forensic science review 32 (1), 23-54 , 2020
20 2020
Structural variant calling: the long and the short of it
M Mahmoud, N Gobet, DI Cruz-Dávalos, N Mounier, C Dessimoz, ...
Genome biology 20, 1-14 , 2019
528 2019
Approaches to whole mitochondrial genome sequencing on the Oxford Nanopore MinION
RR Zascavage, CL Hall, K Thorson, M Mahmoud, FJ Sedlazeck, JV Planz
Current Protocols in Human Genetics 104 (1), e94 , 2019
17 2019
RaGOO: fast and accurate reference-guided scaffolding of draft genomes
M Alonge, S Soyk, S Ramakrishnan, X Wang, S Goodwin, FJ Sedlazeck, ...
Genome biology 20, 1-17 , 2019
544 2019
Paragraph: a graph-based structural variant genotyper for short-read sequence data
S Chen, P Krusche, E Dolzhenko, RM Sherman, R Petrovski, ...
Genome biology 20, 1-13 , 2019
138 2019
A genocentric approach to discovery of Mendelian disorders
AW Hansen, M Murugan, H Li, MM Khayat, L Wang, J Rosenfeld, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 105 (5), 974-986 , 2019
34 2019
Phasing of complex genomic rearrangements reveal involvement of both homologous chromosomes in pre-and post-zigotic events
CM Carvalho, C Beck, Z Akdemir, F Sedlazeck, Q Meng, J Hu, ...
Accurate circular consensus long-read sequencing improves variant detection and assembly of a human genome
AM Wenger, P Peluso, WJ Rowell, PC Chang, RJ Hall, GT Concepcion, ...
Nature biotechnology 37 (10), 1155-1162 , 2019
1338 2019
Evaluation of computational genotyping of structural variation for clinical diagnoses
V Chander, RA Gibbs, FJ Sedlazeck
GigaScience 8 (9), giz110 , 2019
39 2019
Atlas-CNV: a validated approach to call single-exon CNVs in the eMERGESeq gene panel
T Chiang, X Liu, TJ Wu, J Hu, FJ Sedlazeck, S White, D Schaid, ...
Genetics in Medicine 21 (9), 2135-2144 , 2019
22 2019
Ancestral admixture is the main determinant of global biodiversity in fission yeast
S Tusso, BPS Nieuwenhuis, FJ Sedlazeck, JW Davey, DC Jeffares, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 36 (9), 1975-1989 , 2019
54 2019
Duplication of a domestication locus neutralized a cryptic variant that caused a breeding barrier in tomato (vol 5, pg 471, 2019)
S Soyk, ZH Lemmon, FJ Sedlazeck, JM Jimenez-Gomez, M Alonge, ...
NATURE PLANTS 5 (8), 903-903 , 2019
Why So Pale and Wan: Comparative Genomics of a New Cavefish in Europe
F Sedlazeck, M Mahmoud, Y Jia, J Behrmann, AW Nolte
Plant and Animal Genome XXVII Conference (January 12-16, 2019) , 2019
Duplication of a domestication locus neutralized a cryptic variant that caused a breeding barrier in tomato
S Soyk, ZH Lemmon, FJ Sedlazeck, JM Jiménez-Gómez, M Alonge, ...
Nature plants 5 (5), 471-479 , 2019
75 2019
Megabase length hypermutation accompanies human structural variation at 17p11. 2
CR Beck, CMB Carvalho, ZC Akdemir, FJ Sedlazeck, X Song, Q Meng, ...
Cell 176 (6), 1310-1324. e10 , 2019
65 2019
Sequencing Long Amplicon Microsatellite Loci Using the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION Device
R Zascavage, F Sedlazeck, J Planz
A multi-task convolutional deep neural network for variant calling in single molecule sequencing
R Luo, FJ Sedlazeck, TW Lam, MC Schatz
Nature communications 10 (1), 998 , 2019
171 2019
Evaluation of the detection of GBA missense mutations and other variants using the Oxford Nanopore MinION
M Leija‐Salazar, FJ Sedlazeck, M Toffoli, S Mullin, K Mokretar, ...
Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 7 (3), e564 , 2019
81 2019
Genome‐wide patterns of transposon proliferation in an evolutionary young hybrid fish
S Dennenmoser, FJ Sedlazeck, MC Schatz, J Altmüller, M Zytnicki, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (6), 1491-1505 , 2019
15 2019
Combined transcriptome and proteome profiling reveals specific molecular brain signatures for sex, maturation and circalunar clock phase
S Schenk, SC Bannister, FJ Sedlazeck, D Anrather, BQ Minh, A Bileck, ...
Elife 8, e41556 , 2019
51 2019
A strategy for building and using a human reference pangenome
B Llamas, G Narzisi, V Schneider, PA Audano, E Biederstedt, L Blauvelt, ...
F1000Research 8 , 2019
15 2019
Sequencing Long Amplicon Microsatellite Loci Using the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION [TM] Device
CL Hall
Fine-scale analysis of Structural Genomic Variation in Natural Populations
MH Weissensteiner, I Bunikis, U Knief, V Peona, SD Pophaly, A Suh, ...
Complex rearrangements and oncogene amplifications revealed by long-read DNA and RNA sequencing of a breast cancer cell line
M Nattestad, S Goodwin, K Ng, T Baslan, FJ Sedlazeck, P Rescheneder, ...
Genome research 28 (8), 1126-1135 , 2018
166 2018
Piercing the dark matter: bioinformatics of long-range sequencing and mapping
FJ Sedlazeck, H Lee, CA Darby, MC Schatz
Nature Reviews Genetics 19 (6), 329-346 , 2018
480 2018
Accurate detection of complex structural variations using single-molecule sequencing
FJ Sedlazeck, P Rescheneder, M Smolka, H Fang, M Nattestad, ...
Nature methods 15 (6), 461-468 , 2018
1292 2018
Copy number increases of transposable elements and protein‐coding genes in an invasive fish of hybrid origin
S Dennenmoser, FJ Sedlazeck, E Iwaszkiewicz, XY Li, J Altmüller, ...
Molecular Ecology 26 (18), 4712-4724 , 2017
31 2017
GenomeScope: fast reference-free genome profiling from short reads
GW Vurture, FJ Sedlazeck, M Nattestad, CJ Underwood, H Fang, ...
Bioinformatics 33 (14), 2202-2204 , 2017
1274 2017
regions [version 1; referees: 2 approved, 1 approved with
I Dolgalev, F Sedlazeck, B Busby
Transient structural variations have strong effects on quantitative traits and reproductive isolation in fission yeast
DC Jeffares, C Jolly, M Hoti, D Speed, L Shaw, C Rallis, F Balloux, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14061 , 2017
510 2017
Supplementary material for'Transient structural variations have strong effects on quantitative traits and reproductive isolation in fission yeast'
DC Jeffares, C Jolly, M Hoti, D Speed, L Shaw, C Rallis, F Balloux, ...
Nature Publishing Group , 2017
Tools for annotation and comparison of structural variation
FJ Sedlazeck, A Dhroso, DL Bodian, J Paschall, F Hermes, JM Zook
F1000Research 6 , 2017
22 2017
DangerTrack: A scoring system to detect difficult-to-assess regions
I Dolgalev, F Sedlazeck, B Busby
F1000Research 6 , 2017
12 2017
LRSim: a linked-reads simulator generating insights for better genome partitioning
R Luo, FJ Sedlazeck, CA Darby, SM Kelly, MC Schatz
Computational and structural biotechnology journal 15, 478-484 , 2017
42 2017
Phased diploid genome assembly with single-molecule real-time sequencing
CS Chin, P Peluso, FJ Sedlazeck, M Nattestad, GT Concepcion, A Clum, ...
Nature methods 13 (12), 1050-1054 , 2016
1714 2016
The genomic basis of circadian and circalunar timing adaptations in a midge
TS Kaiser, B Poehn, D Szkiba, M Preussner, FJ Sedlazeck, A Zrim, ...
Nature 540 (7631), 69-73 , 2016
104 2016
SplitThreader: Exploration and analysis of rearrangements in cancer genomes
M Nattestad, MC Alford, FJ Sedlazeck, MC Schatz
bioRxiv, 087981 , 2016
12 2016
Comprehensive genome and transcriptome structural analysis of a breast cancer cell line using single molecule sequencing
M Nattestad, K Ng, S Goodwin, T Baslan, F Sedlazeck, J Gurtowski, ...
Cancer Research 76 (14_Supplement), 850-850 , 2016
Chromosomal-level assembly of the Asian seabass genome using long sequence reads and multi-layered scaffolding
S Vij, H Kuhl, IS Kuznetsova, A Komissarov, AA Yurchenko, ...
PLoS genetics 12 (4), e1005954 , 2016
154 2016
The pineapple genome and the evolution of CAM photosynthesis
R Ming, R VanBuren, CM Wai, H Tang, MC Schatz, JE Bowers, E Lyons, ...
Nature genetics 47 (12), 1435-1442 , 2015
525 2015
Teaser: Individualized benchmarking and optimization of read mapping results for NGS data
M Smolka, P Rescheneder, MC Schatz, A von Haeseler, FJ Sedlazeck
Genome biology 16, 1-10 , 2015
33 2015
Decreased expression of endogenous feline leukemia virus in cat lymphomas: a case control study
M Krunic, R Ertl, B Hagen, FJ Sedlazeck, R Hofmann-Lehmann, ...
BMC veterinary research 11, 1-7 , 2015
22 2015
The Candida albicans Histone Acetyltransferase Hat1 Regulates Stress Resistance and Virulence via Distinct Chromatin Assembly Pathways
M Tscherner, F Zwolanek, S Jenull, FJ Sedlazeck, A Petryshyn, IE Frohner, ...
PLoS pathogens 11 (10), e1005218 , 2015
60 2015
Ectodysplasin signalling genes and phenotypic evolution in sculpins ( Cottus )
J Cheng, F Sedlazek, J Altmüller, AW Nolte
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1815), 20150746 , 2015
12 2015
DetectionofStructuralVariants usingthirdgenerationsequencing
FJ Sedlazeck, P Rescheneder, M Nattestad, MC Schatz
2 2015
Decreased expression of endogenous feline leukemia virus in cat lymphomas: a case control study
A von Haeseler, M Krunic, F Sedlazeck
BioMed Central Ltd 11 (90) , 2015
ADAR2 induces reproducible changes in sequence and abundance of mature microRNAs in the mouse brain
C Vesely, S Tauber, FJ Sedlazeck, M Tajaddod, A Haeseler, MF Jantsch
Nucleic acids research 42 (19), 12155-12168 , 2014
59 2014
ADAR2 induces reproducible changes in sequence and abundance of mature microRNAs in the mouse brain
A von Haeseler, F Sedlazeck, S Tauber
Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research , 2014
NextGenMap: fast and accurate read mapping in highly polymorphic genomes
FJ Sedlazeck, P Rescheneder, A Von Haeseler
Bioinformatics 29 (21), 2790-2791 , 2013
405 2013
Updating benchtop sequencing performance comparison
S Jünemann, FJ Sedlazeck, K Prior, A Albersmeier, U John, J Kalinowski, ...
Nature biotechnology 31 (4), 294-296 , 2013
481 2013
Benefit-of-doubt (BOD) scoring: A sequencing-based method for SNP candidate assessment from high to medium read number data sets
FJ Sedlazeck, P Talloji, A von Haeseler, A Bachmair
Genomics 101 (3), 204-209 , 2013
1 2013
Adenosine deaminases that act on RNA induce reproducible changes in abundance and sequence of embryonic miRNAs
C Vesely, S Tauber, FJ Sedlazeck, A von Haeseler, MF Jantsch
Genome research 22 (8), 1468-1476 , 2012
91 2012
Advanced Methylome Analysis after Bisulfite Deep Sequencing: An Example in Arabidopsis
HQ Dinh, M Dubin, FJ Sedlazeck, N Lettner, O Mittelsten Scheid, ...
PloS one 7 (7), e41528 , 2012
34 2012
Genome evolution following admixture in invasive sculpins
L Xiang-Yi, F Sedlazek, K Konrad
Max-Planck-Institute für Evolutionsbiologie Plön , 2012
2 2012
MASon: Million Alignments in Seconds-A Platform Independent Pairwise Sequence Alignment Library for next Generation Sequencing Data
P Rescheneder, A von Haeseler, FJ Sedlazeck
International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms 2 … , 2012
4 2012
Benchtop sequencing on benchtop computers
FJ Sedlazeck
na , 2012
Classification of Coverage Patterns
S Tauber, F Sedlazeck, L Tierney, K Kuchler, A von Haeseler
The R User Conference, useR! 2011 August 16-18 2011 University of Warwick … , 2011
A strategy for building and using a human referenc e pangenome [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved
B Llamas, G Narzisi, V Schneider, PA Audano, E Biederstedt, L Blauvelt, ...
Supplementary Material of VariantSurvival: A tool to identify genotype-treatment response
T Krannich, MH Sarrias, HB Aribi, M Shokrof, A Iacoangeli, A Al-Chalabi, ...
Better Data for Better Health
S Nurk, S Koren, A Rhie, M Rautiainen, AV Bzikadze, A Mikheenko, ...
A strategy for building and using a human reference pangenome [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
B Llamas, G Narzisi, V Schneider, PA Audano, E Biederstedt, L Blauvelt, ...
Comprehensive analysis of structural variants in breast cancer genomes using single molecule sequencing Supplemental Methods
S Aganezov, S Goodwin, RM Sherman, FJ Sedlazeck, G Arun, S Bhatia, ...
Better Data for Better Health
SD Goenka, JE Gorzynski, K Shafin, DG Fisk, T Pesout, TD Jensen, ...
Multi-Platform Assessment of DNA Sequencing Performance using Human and Bacterial Reference Materials in the ABRF Next-Generation Sequencing Study
J Foox, SW Tighe, CM Nicolet, JM Zook, M Byrska-Bishop, WE Clarke, ...
1 *
RaGOO: Fast Reference-Guided Ordering and Orienting of Genome Assembly Contigs
M Alonge, S Soyk, S Goodwin, S Ramakrishnan, FJ Sedlazeck, ...
Plant and Animal Genome XXVII Conference (January 12-16, 2019) , 0
Professional Review and Commentary
M Case, CL Hall, RR Zascavage, FJ Sedlazeck, JV Planz, HGS Center
regions [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review]
I Dolgalev, F Sedlazeck, B Busby
See more in Google Scholar.
The ones marked * may be different from the article in the profile.

Applying to our lab

Computational Post-Doctoral Researchers

Applications are invited for a computational postdoctoral research position in my lab at Human Genomes Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas). The researcher will develop novel methods for large scale DNA-seq, RNA-Seq and other omics data related to human, but also other organisms. Potential projects include SVs detection, SVs impact estimation and population scale research.

Ideal applicant will have:
  • A Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or related fields with a dissertation related to Computational Biology.
  • Strong programming and analytical skills, including experience with next-generation sequencing data.
  • Published at least two first author papers in English and demonstrated written communication skills in English.
To apply, please email me a letter of interest and current CV at fritz.sedlazeck @ bcm.edu