
Tool Description
BioBricks Software to simulate recombination to assess ancestry blocks
FALCON Phased Diploid Genome Assembly with PacBio sequencing reads
GenomeScope Estimate genomic properties from unassembled sequencing reads
LRSim Linked Read Simulator
MuMmer SGE Parallization script for MUMMer.
NGM Short read mapper especially suitable for high SNP rates
NGM-LR Fast and Accurate Mapping of Long Reads
Paragraph Genome graph based SV genotyping
PhaseME Phasing QC and utilization of linkage data
Princess Software for haplotype resolved detection of SNV, SV and methylation
Read2Tree Software for mapping reads directly onto orthology groups
Sniffles Detection of Structural Variations from Long Reads
SURVIVOR Detection and Analysis of Structural Variations
SVCollector Method to optimally select samples for validation and resequencing based on a multi sample VCF.
SVHound Statistical software to predict SV in a cohort that have not been found yet.
Teaser Fast personalized benchmarks and optimization for NGS read mapping
Vulcan Utilizing two scoring functions to improve long read mapping